Choreography: Joanna Kotze in collaboration with the performers
Featuring dancers: Wendell Gray II, Molly Heller, Symara Johnson, Joanna Kotze, and composer/musician Ryan Seaton, with Mary Lyn Graves, Ani Javian, Ariel Lembeck, Jordan Lloyd, Jennifer Nugent, Devin Oshiro, Ambika Raina, Ariana Speight, Marion Spencer, and Hsiao-jou Tang
About: An evening-length dance performance that responds to collective and personal loss and isolation and draws attention to the human body’s potential for persistence, resistance, and power. ‘lectric Eye uses the connection between music and movement to push physical and sonic limits, both as a collective and as individuals.
Lighting design: Kathy Kaufmann
Costumes: Christian Joy
Venue: The Space at Irondale, Brooklyn, NY (February 2022)
Direction and Production:
Molly Heller
Choreography and Performance:
Molly Heller
Molly Heller and Marissa Mooney
Set design:
Marissa Mooney
Creative Producer:
Director of Photography:
Patrick Ryan Gass
Hannah Weber
Original music:
Michael Wall and Nicholas Foster
Photo: Kylie Rae Lloyd
Choreography and Performance: Molly Heller and Netta Yerushalmy
About: This work explores ideas of “twinning” through paradoxical states of similarities and dissimilarities in our bodies. Splits probes at ideas of partnering with space and the tensions that exist inside of feminine-formalism, spatial density, and the confronting gaze.
Music: Michael Wall
Venues: Ladies' Literary Club, SLC (November 2014) and Movement Research at the Judson Church, NYC (October 2015).
Two, awash
Choreography and Performance: Scotty Hardwig and Molly Heller
About: A duet created in-collaboration with mixed media artist Scotty Hardwig during a week-long residency at Middlebury College. We worked with concepts of choreographic mapping, juxtaposition, and the fluidity of changing emotional states within performance.
Lighting design: Jenn Ponder
Music: The Andrews Sisters, Michael Wall, Alberto Turco & Nova Schola Gregoriana, Tim Hecker
Venues: Mahaney Center for the Arts Dance Theatre, Middlebury, VT (October 2015) and Gowanus Arts + Production, Brooklyn, NY (October 2015).
Photo: Wenting Sun
Photo by Scotty Hardwig
the blinding of birds
Concepts, Choreography, and Performance: Scotty Hardwig and Molly Heller
About: A dance installation created by Molly Heller and Scotty Hardwig, the blinding of birds explores themes of perspective and ways of seeing. Using Isadora for live capture and digital media design, as well as architectural elements donated by the University of Utah School of Architecture, this work premiered at the Raw Materials Concert in Salt Lake City, UT.
Videography and Documentation: Stéphane Glynn
Music: Scanner, The Andrew Sisters
Venue: University of Utah Experimental Media Center, SLC (October 2013).